Topic 02: Junk Food & Health

Junk Food & Health: The tendency of the new generation to apply new ways to themselves is increasing instead of decreasing day by day. Because these simplistic people are busy creating a nation. Given. Which is known as the common trend in the world. The list includes the consumption of junk food. It has become an important part of our daily diet. It is also easy to find as it is now available in almost all food chains and stores.

More about Junk Food & Health:

Junk Food & Health: Various researches conducted in the world have only highlighted the harms it causes in the body. And anyway, an excessive use of something is harmful. The effects of eating it on our physical health are negative, such as obesity, poor nutrition, increased risk of chronic diseases, poor mental health, tooth decay caused by obesity, etc.

  1. Causing obesity is one of the most common side effects of junk food. Junk foods are full of calories, sugars and fats which are major causes of weight gain. Moreover, obesity leads to various problems like joint pain, diabetes and various heart diseases. Therefore, it is important to reduce the consumption of fast foods. Eating fast food is always high in calories. Now, calories lead to weight gain and obesity. Obesity will lead to problems like breathing problems and asthma. It can also put pressure on the lungs and heart. In such a condition, it becomes very difficult to breathe while walking, exercising and climbing.
  2. If you eat foods full of sugar and fat, it can suppress the brain function that helps learning. This junk food problem is supported by a research study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
  3. According to the study, excessive consumption of junk food causes poor cognitive test results. The hippocampus region of our brain is responsible for learning and memory. Because of sugar-laden food, the hippocampus region suddenly becomes inflamed. This is one of the side effects of junk food.
  4. Junk food items are harmful to baby’s health. Children are at higher risk of respiratory problems. According to a study, children who eat fast food at least 3 times a week are more likely to suffer from asthma.
  5. Before, pizza and chocolate took all the blame for acne. However, carbohydrates are behind such skin problems. Foods high in carbohydrates cause blood sugar to rise, which in turn can cause acne. According to a study, teenagers and children who eat fast food three or more times a week may develop eczema. Eczema is a skin disease that causes itchy patches of inflamed skin.
  6. According to recent research and research, people who have processed pastries and fast food have a 51 percent higher risk of depression than people who do not eat such foods or eat some of them. Fast food has negligible health benefits. In the short term, it can satisfy the appetite, but in the long term the results are less favorable.
  7. The ingredients in fast food affect a woman’s fertility. According to a recent study, processed food contains phthalates.

Now, what are phthalates?

Junk Food & Health: These are chemicals that can disrupt the body’s hormonal activity. Exposure to high levels of such chemicals can lead to various reproductive problems, including birth defects.
Fast food is high in carbohydrates which can increase the acid in your mouth. Such acids can remove tooth enamel. With the loss of tooth enamel, bacteria can grow, causing cavities to form.

Junk Food & Health: Carbohydrate consumption can lead to obesity, which in turn can affect muscle mass and bone density. Thus, obese people are at risk of breaking bones. Eating foods high in carbohydrates along with exercise can strengthen bones.

Junk Food & Health: One feels good about junk food because it fills the stomach for a long time. However, there is a catch! These foods are rich in carbohydrates, which can negatively affect your appetite. You may lose your appetite later. Thus, loss of appetite is one of the harmful effects of junk foods.

Junk Food & Health: Overeating is one of the serious side effects of fast food. Fluctuating blood sugar levels can cause people to end up overeating. This causes the brain to demand excessive amounts of food. Subsequently, various problems arise with indigestion, which add to the ill effects of junk food consumption.

Junk Food & Health: Essential nutrients are key to healthy growth and development. Now even junk food lacks basic nutrients. Such unhealthy habits and inadequate levels of nutrition affect the development of the brain and other parts of the body. As a result, nutritionists are not in favor of excessive consumption of processed foods because of their negative effects on the growth and development of the body.


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