Topic 03: Why is hepatitis epidemic?

Like unwelcome guests, viruses and bacteria constantly attempt to infiltrate our body, yet the body’s remarkable guardian—immunity—stands as an impenetrable fortress, shielding us from their infectious grasp. Actually, bacteria, viruses, etc. require a special type of environment for growth. When the conditions aren’t right, bacteria, viruses, and their microscopic companions are like reluctant guests at a party that never truly gets started. They die automatically, but if they get a favorable environment and the immunity is not strong, then they grow rapidly.

More About hepatitis:

Hepatitis literally means inflammation of the liver. Much like smallpox and polio, this ailment is marked by its contagious nature, where the virus disseminates through various strains, creating a web of infectious possibilities. From A to E, however, it is important for you to know the symptoms.

For example:

  • Pressure is felt under the right rib.
  • Yellowing of the skin.
  • Burning sensation on the skin.
  • Fever and dry cough.
  • Jaundice means jaundice.
  • Being tired all the time.
  • Fluid accumulation in an organ such as the stomach and lungs.
  • Bleeding from the stomach or intestines.
  • Nervous tension, drowsiness or excessive sleepiness.
  • Having high blood pressure and headaches.

Observation has also shown that germs and viruses easily dominate in an acidic body, because acidity weakens the immune system. When your body’s innate safeguards stand strong, it transforms into an impervious bastion, armed to repel a myriad of potential maladies, leaving you unscathed in the face of health challenges. If the disorders are mentioned, they include hepatitis, which is actually an inflammatory disease of the liver.
Within the intricate landscape of hepatitis, an array of adversaries lurk, yet it’s the indomitable hepatitis B and C that rise as potent challengers, poised to inflict substantial health jeopardy.

The origins of both hepatitis variations share striking resemblances, akin to two branches from the same disease tree.
All of these causes are described below, as well as the individual causes of each edema under that edema.
It is a blood-borne disease. When an individual with an infection donates blood to another, it’s akin to passing on the viral torch, with the potential for the virus to infiltrate the recipient’s system.

Repeated use of used syringes:

Seeking dental care from individuals lacking proper qualifications and operating without a valid license, all while using non-sterilized instruments, is a perilous gamble with your oral health.

These particular salons and barbershops are notorious for their multiple shaves using a single razor and sharing towels among diverse clients, unwittingly fostering a potential breeding ground for hygiene concerns.
If the nose and ear piercing instruments are not changed, the virus is usually transmitted from infected women to healthy women.
Acupuncture treatment involves needles and if these needles are used repeatedly in different patients, there is a high chance of spreading the disease.

This ailment can even be passed on to newborns if their mother is infected. Caregivers who tend to those with the illness without adequate precautions run a significant risk of contracting it themselves. Remarkably, traces of the virus can even be detected in the patient’s saliva, adding another layer of concern to its transmission.

Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis A):

Its virus spreads like typhoid.
This contagious affliction tends to make its annual resurgence like clockwork, typically spreading its unwelcome embrace as the leaves fall, heralding the change of seasons. A specific type of virus called HAV infects the liver. It often finds its foothold in developing nations and the smaller corners of the world, where its presence is most pronounced. It causes jaundice in children. Its incubation period is fifteen to forty-five days. In those afflicted by this virus, it retains its unwavering grip on the host’s body, persistently making its presence known. Individuals with compromised immune systems stand as prime targets, falling prey to its clutches with alarming swiftness.

Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis B):

It eclipses the threat posed by hepatitis A, wielding a greater degree of lethality and peril that demands heightened vigilance. It is considered more dangerous than AIDS. This disease is also called serum hepatitis. At the heart of its transmission lies a primary culprit: blood transfusions, serving as the main conduit for its insidious journey from one host to another. Found in the fluid that is released from the body such as saliva, stool, urine and other fluids, the amount of bilirubin in the patient’s blood increases very much like hepatitis A.

Liver edema (Hepatitis C):

According to a comprehensive World Health Organization study, a staggering 190 million individuals across the globe unwittingly play a pivotal role in propelling the disease’s relentless dissemination. Astonishingly, this virus exerts varying influences on different individuals. While some remain blissfully asymptomatic, a fortunate one in five manages to naturally eradicate the infection within a mere six months. However, for the remainder, the journey takes a more ominous turn, with the infection lingering as a disquieting specter for years, and in some unfortunate cases, settling in for a lifetime, casting a perpetual shadow over their health. Under it, dangerous kidney diseases surround the person and sometimes death also occurs.

Liver edema (Hepatitis D):

This inflammation springs from the nefarious HDV-2, a viral fragment that, like an enigmatic puzzle piece, can spell disaster when coupled with the hepatitis B virus, potentially steering towards a dire and fatal outcome.

Liver edema (Hepatitis E):

Its virus, HEV, is spread mostly through water. This inflammation is also seen mostly in pregnant women, which causes 20% mortality.

And if we see, at this time Pakistan is going to be declared the most dangerous country in the world regarding Hepatitis C.
According to Dr. Homi Razavi from the Center for Disease Analysis (CDA), America, “At present, Pakistan is going to be the most dangerous country in the world regarding hepatitis C, because according to the number of patients, Pakistan “For the country’s health experts, this revelation is no less than an alarm bell, because our health care system is not able to deal with the epidemic situation.

Although the World Health Organization has formulated a strategy to control hepatitis, in which awareness among the public, proper use of resources, collecting patient data and formulating policy accordingly, Several steps are involved like prevention, patient detection, timely treatment and proper care.

“Hepatitis Control Program” was launched to control the increasing rate of hepatitis in Pakistan, but the sad part is that it is not showing any positive results, because the preventive measures are not fully implemented. Is.

For example, if a layperson is not using a used syringe, on the other hand, medical personnel do not change gloves for each new patient. can also be transmitted. Then we have not good sterilization, blood screening method is not standard, clean surgical instruments are not being used.

It should be noted that the main reasons for the spread of hepatitis C and B in our country are unsafe methods of treatment, injections, drips, non-standard blood transfusions, not using sterilized equipment, sexual immorality, use of narcotic substances, barbers, etc. , dental caries and hepatitis include all those undiagnosed patients who are unaware of their disease. In addition, factors such as lack of awareness, belief in assumptions and non-observance of preventive measures cannot be ignored.

In view of the current situation, it has become imperative to provide free treatment to hepatitis patients along with door-to-door screening, which is also easily accessible. Consult an enterologist or hepatologist, read the test report and avoid jumping to conclusions and trying tricks.

As far as protection from hepatitis is concerned, it is mandatory to get hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines. There is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis E and C, but by following precautionary measures, you can be protected from this infectious disease. As for hepatitis D, it only affects those who have had hepatitis B, so hepatitis B can be easily prevented by getting the hepatitis B vaccination. In addition, injections and drips are not available to prevent hepatitis. Avoid unnecessary use.

However, if prompt treatment is started with timely diagnosis, various complications can be avoided. Herein lie a compendium of fundamental directives, akin to guiding stars, steering the course of treatment for hepatitis B and C.

Hepatitis B treatment:

  • Radish Juice:
    Incorporating a daily ritual of sipping on two to three glasses of refreshing radish elixir is certainly beneficial, but don’t overlook the potency concealed within radish leaves; grind them to unveil their precious juice, and partake in another potent sip of well-being.
  • Lemon or pineapple juice:
    Kickstart your mornings with a zesty secret to combat constipation – a daily dose of lemon juice on an empty stomach. And don’t forget the tropical twist – pineapple juice, a sweet ally in your quest for digestive harmony.
  • Arjuna’s investigation:
    Delve into the botanical wonder of the Arjuna tree, where its bark emerges as a heart and urinary system savior, harnessed by the mighty alkaloids within to maintain a vigilant watch over cholesterol levels, particularly within the liver’s intricate domain.
  • Amplify your wellness journey by embracing the elixir of life – water. And as nature’s ever-changing tapestry unfolds, indulge in the bountiful treasures of seasonal fruits and vegetables to nurture your well-being. Use of brown rice, brown bread and olive oil protects against liver cancer. For those navigating the intricate terrain of liver health, fibrous fare becomes a trusted ally. Venture into a world of nourishment with vegetables, the hearty tune of Tuna, the humble pumpkin, the earthy turnip, the vibrant carrot, and the refreshing cucumber – all poised to support your liver’s well-being. should be used. Naturally, it’s imperative to steer clear of the icy allure of cold drinks, the allure of alcohol, the frosty grasp of frozen fruits, the tempting embrace of meat, the tantalizing rush of fast foods, the siren call of junk foods, the decadence of butter and ghee, and the caffeine-laden temptations like tea, coffee, chocolate, and those fizzy, sugary cola drinks. Use less iron. Get treatment from a qualified physician or hakim instead of over-the-counter and strictly follow the instructions given.
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