03-How to Earn Money from YouTube channel?


YouTube is the video content platform of Google Group, on which videos are available on various topics in all the languages of the world. Only YouTube users load these videos on their channels. Google shows some advertisements in between these videos of YouTube from which it earns. A part of this earning is also given to the channel owner.

More about Earn Money from YouTube channel:

Apart from this, blogging is a popular means of earning money online. To create a blog, you need domain name and web hosting, but YouTube channel can be created even without these. To create a YouTube channel, initially you only need a camera and laptop/desktop.

Many channel operators are full-time YouTubers nowadays and this has become their means of living. Apart from YouTube, you can also publish your videos on Instagram and Facebook and earn money. For now in this post we will focus only on YouTube channel and the income earned from it.

Further in this article, we will know which category of publishers can earn money from YouTube? And how much money can you make per month from an average YouTube channel?

How to create a YouTube Channel & Earn Money from YouTube ?

Earn Money from YouTube channel 1 1

To create a YouTube channel, first of all you need to have basic knowledge of the Internet, after that the most important thing is to have a Google Account. If you already have a Google account, then go to the YouTube website and click on the Create Channel option and get started. After this you have to follow the instructions given on the screen and provide the necessary information.

You also have to decide the niche of the channel, for example, your channel is going to upload videos related to a particular area or topic. Try to invest time in one area only, like music, technology, sports, food etc. are some examples. Do not try to cover every topic at once, if you have hold on more than one topic then create separate channels for it.

Initially the information you have to input to create a YouTube channel are like channel name, channel logo, an accurate channel description. We will understand all this in detail in the steps below.

  • Write a good channel description for Earn Money from YouTube :

Provide your viewers with basic information about the channel by writing a short description in the About section. There is no need to write a long description, just write a short and precise description.

Do not put excessive information and unnecessary links etc. in your channel description. An email address can also be written in the EMAIL FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES field below the description, so that your visitors can contact you by email.

At the end, you also get the facility to add LINKS, where you can add links to your blog, website link, Twitter handle, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.

  • Add Channel Art & Icon & Earn Money from YouTube :

You can add an icon and channel art to your channel decoration, it gives a different feel to your viewers. You also get help in branding.

Channel icon: It should be of 800 X 800 pixel size, it appears in 98

Channel Banner: 1546 X 423 pixel size image is suitable for channel banner. It looks well on both desktop and mobile screens.

Many channel operators do not give much importance to channel art and icons, but it is very important from branding point of view. These quickly become ingrained in people’s memories and help a lot in increasing the fame of the channel.

How to earn money from YouTube?

Earning money from YouTube is a tempting option, many people nowadays make their living by running full-time channels. But how is this possible? We will know this below. Along with this, the various options available on YouTube platform are also given below.

  • YouTube Ads / Google AdSense & Earn Money from YouTube :

When the number of viewers and subscribers increases on your channel and your videos start getting more views, YouTube gives you the option to monetize your channel as a YouTube Partner Program. After that, ads are given by YouTube/Google in between the videos on your channel, by just watching or clicking on them, revenue starts getting added to your AdSense account.

When that amount reaches a minimum of $100, you can easily withdraw it to any of your bank accounts.

YouTube Channel Monetization is not easy nowadays, for that your channel has to fulfill the following conditions.

The channel has more than 1,000 subscribers

You are 18 years old

Your public videos have had more than 4,000 hours of views in the last 12 months.

For more information, open this page of Google/ Youtube quiz and read.

  • By Channel Membership & Earn Money from YouTube:

If your channel’s subscriber count has crossed 30000 and you are already participating in the YouTube Partner Program, then you also get the option to sell channel membership.

This option is available only to selected channels, which create high quality video content and follow all the terms and conditions of YouTube. Therefore, you should apply only after reading the terms and conditions carefully.

  • By YouTube Premium for Earn Money from YouTube:

YouTube Premium allows viewers to pay a monthly fee to YouTube to watch more YouTube Originals videos without ads. This not only improves the video watching experience of the viewers but also if a premium member of your channel watches the video, then YouTube also pays you some money from that subscription amount.

Here you also have to keep in mind that the quality of your video and the interest of the audience will be there, only then your channel will be given importance by the premium members and your earnings will increase.

  • By selling promotional materials & Earn Money from YouTube :

You can also sell your products on YouTube channel as the channel’s subscribers increase. If you run only entertainment channel or service related channel then you can sell branded t-shirts, coffee mugs, calendars etc. through your channel.

You can create a store for your channel and also pin up to 12 products to the video. This way your products will be visible to the viewers below the video, where they can click on them and buy them.

  • Affiliate Marketing & Paid Video By & Earn Money from YouTube :

You can also add some affiliate links in the description of your video where if viewers click, you can earn some money or commission. Keep in mind that you should only add limited and related affiliate links to the video.

For example, if your video is based on a recipe, then you should include only affiliate links related to it in the video description, such as kitchen items, cooking books, etc.

Paid Video: After the fame of your channel, it is possible that a company may contact you to promote their product or service and will also pay you a lump sum amount for their promotion. In such a situation, you have to make a video explaining the benefits of their product and upload it on your channel.

The thing to keep in mind is that you should promote any product only when you believe in it.

  • Summary of Earn Money from YouTube :

Nowadays it is very easy to create a YouTube channel, in this you do not even need to spend on hosting and earning from it is also good. You just have to focus on creating interesting and engaging content. Once you start uploading good videos regularly, your channel will soon start earning you.

There is a need to be patient in the beginning, many people start expecting earnings from the very first day after creating a channel. Which is a hurry, you will have to give both time and effort only then the wheel will turn. But once you turn, you won’t need to look back.

The income from a YouTube channel can range from zero to a few thousand rupees per month, but some channel owners even earn Rs 10 to 15 lakh per month. You will earn according to your hard work.

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