Karachi’s Most Infamous Ghost Story!


Most Infamous Ghost Story: Karsaz, a neighborhood in Karachi, Pakistan, has gained notoriety as the dwelling place of a mysterious and haunting figure known as the Churail or Dulhan. This enigmatic spirit has captured the imagination of locals and has become a popular topic among paranormal enthusiasts. In this article, we delve into the spine-chilling tales surrounding Karsaz and explore why it has become famous for its haunted Churail/Dulhan. Join us as we unravel the mysteries that shroud this eerie locality.

The story of the haunted Churail/Dulhan revolves around a tragic incident that took place many years ago in Karsaz. According to local legends, a young bride was betrayed and abandoned by her fiancé on her wedding day. Consumed by rage and heartbreak, she met a gruesome end, vowing to haunt the area forever as the Churail/Dulhan. Since then, countless eerie encounters have been reported by those who dared to venture into the haunted streets of Karsaz.

Karachi’s Most Infamous Ghost Story:

Karsaz has witnessed numerous spine-chilling encounters with the Churail/Dulhan, leaving locals and visitors trembling in fear. Many claim to have sighted a veiled figure in red bridal attire, drifting silently through the darkened streets and abandoned buildings. Witnesses have reported hearing mournful cries, disembodied laughter, and the rustling of silk as the Churail/Dulhan moves mysteriously in the shadows.

The haunted reputation of Karsaz extends beyond mere apparitions. Numerous paranormal activities have been reported in the vicinity, adding to the chilling atmosphere of the area. Visitors have experienced sudden drops in temperature, unexplained flickering lights, and the feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. Some have even claimed to have been physically touched or pushed by an unseen force, leaving them shaken to their core.

The tales of the haunted Churail/Dulhan have become ingrained in the local folklore of Karsaz. Many residents and passersby have shared their spine-chilling encounters, further perpetuating the legend. These testimonies serve as a chilling reminder of the presence that lurks within the shadows of Karsaz, instilling a sense of dread and fascination among those who dare to delve into its haunted past.

Karsaz has become a spooky place where thrill-seekers go to experience the paranormal and perhaps catch a glimpse of the Churail/Dulhan. It has gained popularity among those seeking an adrenaline rush and an encounter with the unknown.

A New Year’s Night on Karsaz Road “Most Infamous Ghost Story”

Let me share with you an incident that happened on Karsaz Road back in 1976 or 1977. At that time, I lived in Karachi and was studying at a local university. As many of you know, Karsaz Road is infamous for its ghostly sightings, and this night was no different.

A wedding procession was once passing through this road when a tragic accident occurred, resulting in the bride’s death. There are two versions of the story: one says she died in a road accident, while the other claims that bandits attacked the procession, and in the chaos, a bullet hit the bride, killing her on the spot. Since then, many have claimed to see the bride walking on the road at night, asking for a lift. If someone stops, she supposedly lifts her veil, revealing a horrifying face before disappearing.

That night, my friends and I were returning home after celebrating New Year’s Eve. We were a group of six boys riding three motorcycles. It was around 2:30 AM, and I was wearing only a T-shirt, which didn’t seem cold when we left in the evening. But on the way back, the cold hit me hard, and I had to slow down my bike. My friends, who were ahead of me, kept teasing me about the witch on Karsaz Road, but I wasn’t scared—at least, not at first.

As we rode on, I noticed a shadow near a tree, but it quickly vanished. I shrugged it off, thinking it was just the light playing tricks on me. But soon after, I smelled a strong, sweet perfume, the kind that a woman might wear. It was overwhelming, as if someone had just passed by me, but the road was completely empty.

Then I heard a voice—a girl’s voice—calling out to me from behind. I stopped the bike and looked around, but there was no one. I started the bike again, but the voice called out once more, “Suno.” This time, I didn’t stop, but I glanced back while riding, expecting to see one of my friends playing a prank on me. But there was no one there.

As I continued, I felt the bike getting heavier, as if someone had climbed onto it. I looked down, thinking the tire might be punctured, but everything seemed fine. The bike wouldn’t start, and now I was genuinely scared. I tried to reassure myself, thinking it was just my friends messing with me, but deep down, I knew something was wrong.

Most Infamous Ghost Story:

I began pushing the bike, and as I walked, I heard the faint sound of anklets, like a woman’s Payal, running alongside me. I stopped, but the sound continued. Fear gripped me, and I started running, but the sound of the anklets matched my pace, never falling behind.

Suddenly, the bike hit a bump, and I fell. As I lay on the ground, I heard a mocking laugh—a girl’s laugh. Panic took over, and I started reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi and other verses, hoping the sound would go away. But it didn’t. Instead, I heard the voice again, “Suno,” and saw a girl standing nearby.

She looked like a normal person, not a witch, and she asked me why I was out so late. I tried to brush her off, but then she said something that chilled me to the bone: “Jamal, now I will stay with you.” How did she know my name? My fear escalated as she began walking closer. I abandoned the bike and ran as fast as I could. She followed, her feet moving in the opposite direction, her face twisted in a horrifying grin.

I don’t remember much after that. When I woke up, I was home, lying in my bed. My bike was parked outside, but I had no memory of how I got there. I was confused, scared, and unsure if what I experienced was real or a nightmare.

Most Infamous Ghost Story

That night, as I lay in bed, I heard the same anklets outside my window. When I looked, I saw a shadow disappear into the wall. I was terrified, and even though I brought my younger brother to sleep next to me, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. The voice came again, “Jamal, I’m here.”

Someone knocked on my window, louder and louder, until my brother woke up. I don’t know what happened next, but that night, I knew that the stories of Karsaz Road were not just tales—they were real, and I had encountered the Churail of Karsaz.

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