Night of Terrifying Tales

Terrifying Tales: In the serene town of Ropar, nestled within the Abbottabad district, an unforeseen and spine-chilling night unfolded for two young students, Ahmed and Hamza. Hailing from Mirpur, they found themselves enrolled in a madrasa in the mysterious surroundings of Ropar.

More about Night of Terrifying Tales story:

Terrifying Tales: The region, surrounded by towering hills and dense forests, presented an unfamiliar landscape for Ahmed and Hamza. The locals, accustomed to the challenging terrain, welcomed the two outsiders with open arms. However, the tales of bears and tigers venturing out of the nearby forest at night to menace the population added an element of fear to their daily lives. To avoid potential dangers, Ahmed and Hamza refrained from venturing outside, especially after dark.

Night of Terrifying Tales
Night of Terrifying Tales

One night, the clock struck eleven, and Ahmed and Hamza were engrossed in reading a newspaper in the dimly lit living room of their quarters. The headline that caught their attention read, “Two cannibals attempt to dig a grave in the regional cemetery.”

The news left the duo bewildered, exchanging glances filled with surprise and concern. Little did they know that this night would take a turn towards the bizarre and terrifying.

As they contemplated the strange headline, a sudden and loud noise pierced through the silence, resembling the sound of someone jumping on a tin sheet. Both Ahmed and Hamza were instantly gripped by fear.

“What kind of sound was that?” Hamza asked, his eyes wide with trepidation.

“I don’t know,” Ahmed replied, equally unnerved. “Could it be a bear, a tiger, or something else?”

“Cook… Where did this come from? Man-eaters didn’t  come.”Hamza stammered, clearly terrified.

“A… man-eater…!” Ahmed’s attempt to reassure Hamza fell short as they grappled with the unknown source of the noise. To distract themselves from the growing fear, they tried to rationalize the situation.

“There must be a cat,” Ahmed suggested, attempting to calm Hamza. “Probably on the roof of the kitchen. The roof is made of sheet iron.”

While Ahmed’s words aimed for reassurance, his fear lingered beneath the surface. As their eyes remained fixed on the window, another mysterious sound echoed through the night—the unmistakable sound of an animal chewing on something hard.

“This… this sound is like chewing a bone,” Ahmed observed, sharing his concern with Hamza. The situation was becoming increasingly unsettling.

“Jal tu jalal tu, Sahib-i Kamal tu, I bla ko tal tu tu,” Hamza began to recite, his voice shaky as he sought solace in prayers.

Deciding to investigate, Ahmed proposed, “Come on, let’s go outside and see.” Despite Hamza’s reluctance, they summoned the courage to explore the source of the strange sounds.

As they approached the door, the ominous noise resurfaced, accompanied by the loud and heavy voice of a man. The suddenness of it all stunned Ahmed and Hamza, freezing them in their tracks.

“Today you are trapped,” Ahmed said in a hushed tone, exchanging worried glances with Hamza. They questioned how to proceed, the mystery deepening with each passing moment.

“Jal tu jalal tu, I bla ko tal tu tu,” Hamza continued to recite nervously, the prayers providing a feeble shield against the mounting fear.

Then, to their shock, the voice called out Hamza’s name directly, sending shivers down their spines. Hamza clung to Ahmed, his fear palpable. The wind carried the echoes of “Jal Tu Jalal Tu” through the night.

With both fear and prayers in the air, Ahmed scratched his head in confusion. Unable to comprehend the situation, he proposed a plausible explanation to Hamza: “Hamza! Qari Sahib sleeps on the roof above. Is this voice not his?”

“Yes, yes, maybe,” Hamza replied hesitantly, the uncertainty adding to their distress. Confused and scared, they decided to brave the unknown and approached the door once again.

“Ahmad! Come out. Just look at the goat; what has happened to it?” The voice, now identified as Qari Sahib, broke the tension. Relief washed over Ahmed, but Hamza remained skeptical.

“I think it is a cannibal playing such a trick to trap us,” Hamza expressed his lingering fear.

Laughter erupted from Ahmed as he opened the door, and they stepped outside. Their apprehension gave way to amusement as they discovered the source of the terrifying sounds: a goat dedicated to Qari Sahib for the seminary was tied to an iron sheet. The commotion was caused by the goat’s attempt to reach the kitchen and nibble on the dry bread, creating the bone-crunching sounds they mistook for something more sinister.

As Ahmed and Hamza stood there, looking at the hapless goat, they couldn’t help but burst into laughter at the absurdity of the situation. Their fear had been replaced by amusement, and they realized that sometimes the things we fear the most turn out to be harmless and even comical.

Terrifying Tales Conclusion: The night that began with terror had transformed into an unforgettable tale of mystery and laughter. Ahmed and Hamza, once terrified by the unknown, now found themselves laughing at their fears, realizing that sometimes the most frightening experiences can be dispelled with a touch of humor. It became a story to share with fellow students, a lesson in courage, and a reminder that laughter can emerge from the most unexpected places.

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